Confused About CBD Hemp Oil for Your Pet?

There is a lot of confusing information on the web about CBD Oil and the impacts it can have on your pet. This is why we created The Ultimate Guide to CBD Oil for Your Pets.

Just put your email in the box below and I will send the FREE ebook to you right away!

Our mission is to help radically transform the lives of over 2 million dogs by the year 2022.

We will accomplish this by providing natural, organic products that help give your dog energy, comfort, and a zest for life. At the same time, we will continue to partner with shelters, veterinarians and other pet health practitioners that share our mission and values to give dogs the best life possible.


Formulated for dogs

We use coconut oil as a carrier since it is gentle on your dog's sensitive stomach.

Natural & Organic

Organic practices and all natural ingredients to ensure the very best for your dog.

Grown in the USA

Our hemp farms are located in Kentucky and grown according to Government standards.

Great tasting

Giving your dog our hemp oil is easy due to its great taste. Most dogs will lick it from the bottle.

Easy to measure

Comes with a high quality, measured eye dropper for accurate dosing.

Legal in all 50 states

Our hemp derived CBD oil has less than 0.3% THC, which means it is perfectly legal in the USA.

What a Few of Our Customers Are Saying...

Amazing!! Nothing worked for my dog until I tried this!! It's already working! We went over last night and she is MUCH calmer and my mom said the dog is eating well. She's so excited at how much it's helping the dog!
My German Shepherd has hip dysplasia. Natural Organic hemp oil worked right away. She won't eat her food without it!!!
Renee R.
I can't say enough about this. My little boy has been mess with these storms in Florida. He's been shaking for days, hiding under the bed, tail down...just a mess. I used this ONE TIME and noticed a huge difference. He was acting super normal just like his usual self.

Shop for organic CBD Oil

Whether your dog is an adorable Yorkie or a playful Sheepdog, we have a CBD oil that is perfect for your dog.  Click the button below to browse our premium CBD Oil, specially formulated for dogs.